I’m not great at birdsong but that recording does sound like a Great Tit (we did quite a bit of walking and birding in the United Kingdom a few years back). Thanks re the Nuttall book, I read another one of his (it wasn’t great) but this also sounds interesting.

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Oops I missed this! Great to have backup on my amateur bird identification 😜 I met Bill Nuttall at the Charterhouse Nuclear History conference last summer and he gave me a copy of his book. I really don’t know anything about military or aviation history so I’d never heard of the plane the book revolves around but it’s interesting so far - and I def appreciate his efforts to insert the military /political considerations into the pop culture context of the times. What was the book of his you read?

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Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power, published in 2005.

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Mar 24Liked by Vicki Lesley

Oh what fun - thank you for recommending my story, Vicki! That was so sweet of you, and I loved the birdsong - so very springlike and hopeful! I'm looking forward to checking out your other recommendations too. Plus - I'm inspired by your idea to document what you've been up to for the week. All the appointments and such remain on my calendar, but I struggle to remember how I spent the rest of my time each week. Even thought I'm not working, I think it might help make the weeks not disappear into each other. Thank you, thank you!

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Ah, thank you right back! I will definitely look forward to reading weekly updates of what you’re up to if you decide to do it - there are a few old school blogs I still read (not on Substack) who post every day so it’s kind of like keeping a digital diary. I can’t keep up with reading every single post they write but I love dipping in every week or so and getting a feel for their daily lives. I’m definitely enjoying doing these weekly reviews. It’s making me actually think about how I’m spending my days - and be a bit gentler with myself too I think 😊

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Oh, we could all use to be a bit gentler with ourselves!

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