What a milestone, Vicki, with your youngest. That’s a good way of putting it, being at the top of a rollercoaster, waiting for the whoosh! Hope you’re getting over the lurgy.

Thanks for sharing the photo of our impromptu Shanklin ice cream meet up. Was great to meet a Substack pal in real life.

Here’s to your new projects!

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Welcome back Vicki. Lovely to see you and Wendy managed a meet up. It’s such hard work parenting and carving new paths in your career, but it sounds like you have brilliant ideas and the talent and will to ride that rollercoaster.

Thanks for the mention too. I look forward to hearing more.

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Hey thanks for the mention! And, congrats on getting a paid subscriber! I only have a few myself, but it's thrilling!

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Greatly enjoyed the fizz of energy bursting from your words…

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Awwww, 'big' school! Such an exciting milestone for you and for your daughter - the picture of her with her brother is absolutely delightful.

Your Isle of Wight trip sounds wonderful! We've been there quite a lot for work, but not recently, which is a shame. Must get back there soon.

You're so kind to link to my newsletter - thank you! And such great recommendations to other Substacks, too - I'm going to check them out! 😘

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Hi Vicki, thanks so much for mentioning my walking post. I'm happy to provide that nod of encouragement! I look forward to checking out the other posts you mentioned and hope you are feeling better soon. Congrats on surviving your youngest's first week at school. What a milestone!

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