Funnily enough pulling into Camden Town as I write this and spent many-a Saturday afternoon hanging around the market in my teenage years with my friend Carla. This was the most touching tribute to your women, I felt tears of recognition for all of them, for the experiences you have shared and the life chapters in my own life. I feel very inspired to create something of my own to honour the role of magical females in my life who I treasure (and possibly should make this known more often!) xx

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Mar 10Liked by Vicki Lesley

What a wonderful tribute to all the women in your life! Made my heart glow to think of you sitting and remembering each of them.

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It was genuinely lovely to do it - and I'm still remembering more people I wish I'd put in. Even people whose paths might only have crossed yours for a brief time can live vividly in your memories. It's so easy just to get swept up in whatever's going on in the day to day isn't it - but there's something incredibly valuable about taking a moment to look back at how you got here I think

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Mar 19Liked by Vicki Lesley

I agree, I have thought of a few women I wish I'd put in mine as well.

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What a beautiful tribute to all the women through your lifetime - stunning (and impressive list!!! You’ve been blessed 🥰)

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Ah thanks so much Lyndsay! I always feel like my memory of my own life is pretty lousy but then when I sat down to think for this piece, some really vivid mental pictures just came flooding back into my mind. Saturdays at Camden market with my friends Anna and Ellen in our tie dye skirts and DMs, buying old black and white prints of James Dean & Marlon Brando and thinking we were so sophisticated 😄 Maybe we might even have walked past you and Carla without knowing it. I'd really love to read your piece on the woman who've been along for the ride in your life - do let me know if you write it xx

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I really have! Am so thankful for the prompt to sit down to think about & remember so many different women at different times of my life. Though my son was sad not to be on the list 😄 Maybe I’ll have to do another one for all the men in my life at some point. I think it will be much shorter if I do!

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This is such a wonderful ode to the women who have held you! So many… I love the idea of noting them down like this. I had to giggle at Archers and lemonade. It was Malibu and coke for me! 😆 thank you for sharing this list of names with us. Xxx

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Ah thanks Lauren! To be honest I don't know how my memory dredged up Archers & lemonade - I probably haven't drunk or even seen that for more than 30 years, but there was a definite period there when it was a hundred percent my go to drink at the pub. Oh to be young again eh. And Malibu and coke - also an excellent tipple of choice 😄

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