Vicki! Thank you so so much for taking the time to read my little humble article! I was so excited when Substack told me someone mentioned me in their article. Screening a project you've worked on for so long can be extremely nerve wracking but also exhilarating and like you said getting to hear from all kinds of different perspectives and how it's perceived through different people's eyes is always interesting and that's when a project kind of takes a life of it's own! I hope it gets picked up and I get a chance to watch it at some point. Congrats on getting here and I wish you many more screenings!

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It's my pleasure! I'm coming to the end of screenings now I think, with newer things starting to take up more of my time, but it's still really great to be out there with this film. I've got another screening coming up this week, so will report back on that next week. It's on Netflix but only in Europe. You can stream it on Vimeo - or if you're really keen I could share a screener link (so long as you don't share it anywhere of course!) Drop me a DM...

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just DM'd you

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