Have a lovely summer break, Vicki. I really hope the migraines ease so you can enjoy life fully.

I love Robert Macfarlane’s books. Discovered him via my late aunt (the one who had worked at AWE). She had a devastating stroke in 2018 and had his books on British landscape on her bedside table, so I knew she wanted to read them. I read them to her in hospital and later at the nursing home. They were perfect.

Also a big fan of that School’s Out!

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Oh Wendy that's such a beautiful story about your aunt! Reading aloud to someone is such a special gift. I've got a couple of other Macfarlane books on my shelf but had never actually got round to reading him till this book group. Ness confirmed I should definitely push those books higher up my reading list...

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The ones I read to her were The Wild Places and The Old Ways. Both beautiful.

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I have enjoyed the little of Macfalane's writing that I have read. Like you I have a couple on my shelf that I haven't got to yet. Sigh. So many great books to read...

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What a wonderful thing to do for your aunt, Wendy! Reading aloud is such a great way to share a book with someone. I really miss doing it. I was lucky that my son let me read aloud to him until he was about 14 or so.

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I loved reading with my children, Emma, and now get that pleasure with my grandchildren.

My aunt couldn't move or speak after her stroke, but she could understand me and was able to show her appreciation for Robert Macfarlane's books through her facial expressions as I read. I learned a lot about Britain's landscape through them, too.

Good to meet you here. Subscribed.

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What a precious experience to share with your aunt. And reading to children is such a pleasure. Lovely to meet you on here too!

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Vicki, thank you for your kind words, and recommendation of my post. Yes, Miss Rumphius is a delightful picture book, that I recommend to everyone!

And I am looking forward to reading and watching the other recommendations in this post. The book group sounds amazing!

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Yeah I was so pleased to find out about the book group (actually through my friend I'm hoping to make the chronic illness film with - the last book they discussed before 'Ness' was her novel 'The Half-Life of Snails' which is also on a nuclear theme). It's open to anyone so I can always share the info for the next one with you when they send it out if you're interested? It's on every couple of months or so but I think they said next one would be in Sept or Oct sometime.

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Yes please! It sounds like a fascinating central theme for a book group!

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Great! In the meantime here’s the link to the last one - website gives you a bit more of a flavour of what they’re all about too 😊 https://www.art-in-the-nuclear-age.org/events/reading-group-ness-by-robert-macfarlane-and-stanley-donwood

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Also, I am glad you are taking a break for a couple of weeks. Perimenopause is HARD! (Well, for some of us...) I hope you and your doctor can get on top of your migraines soon - that sounds really rough.

And what lovely memories of the 2012 Olympics with your Grandad!

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Yep, getting a GP appt is top of my To Do list this week (been away on holiday the past week - no full on migraines I'm glad to say, but I did have a prolonged dizzy spell one day, which later morphed into light & sound sensitivity, but without an actual headache ⁉️🤦🏻‍♀️ - Dr Google seemed to suggest that was migraine-related too). Sending hugs to you in your perimenopausal struggles as well - it is NOT FUN!!

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Good luck! I'm glad you didn't have any full on migraines. But that dizzy spell sounds unpleasant too. I hope the GP is helpful! 🤞

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GP phone call is now booked. She’s been lovely & supportive so far so hopefully we can get on top of it 🤞🏽

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That’s great! Good GPs are so incredibly valuable!

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I'm so excited about the new connections you have and will make! It's a wonderful world out there once you peak open the curtain. 😊

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It sure is! And you're doing an awesome job of helping to open that curtain so we can all find our tribe eh - appreciate you 😍

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School holidays are special times, as I’m discovering as a grandfather of eight. Enjoy and recover. Hope you do launch an atomic book club…

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Eight grandkids! I bet they keep you busy eh. Though I guess it isn't school holidays down under at the moment?

Definitely want to do a discussion group for atomic movies. I'd be up for doing something with atomic books too if there was enough interest. More of a time commitment for folks to read a whole book than just watch a film though so will be something to explore down the line. And talking of atomic books of course, hope yours is progressing well 😊

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I’m sorry you’re still feeling rubbish Vicky. It can be extremely debilitating. School’s out by Alice plays in my head every summer without fail.

I love the story about you and your grandfather going to the Olympics. A memory to treasure.

Have a lovely summer break. X

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Ah thanks! Back from a lovely week away on the Isle of Wight and I do feel genuinely restored. Can't believe we're nearly half way through the school holidays already. Still got a few more visits and outings to look forward to though. It rushes by so quickly if you're not careful so am trying to stop and notice the memories as they're being made (so that hopefully I'll be able to look back on them in the future, just like London 2012 ❤️) Hope you're having happy summer days too. Got your perfume piece saved to read - one to savour I think x

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Have a wonderful summer break! I hope you're feeling better soon too. Thank you so much for the mention! I'm touched 🥰 I'm glad we connected!

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Likewise! Lots of childhood summer holiday memories stoked for me this week and remembering carefree days on Welsh beaches (clambering over the rocks of Caswell Bay is a really vivid image). Sending happy vibes across the border to you in Cymru x

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Oh I’ve never been there! I’ve heard good things. We just went for a walk around our home town and it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful it is. In such an underrated way too. Sending very joyful and happy vibes back 🥰 x

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Vicki- I love this journey into your experience at Super Saturday. Looks amazing! Hope you're well this week? Cheers, -Thalia

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Ah thanks Thalia. It really was an evening I'll never forget. Watching the same events in the stadium in Paris this year brought it all back to me, especially knowing my wonderful Grandad isn't here to watch it himself anymore...

I've actually had a lovely week, thanks for asking - just returned from a family stay on the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England. We visited a bunch of different places with a really palpable sense of history - from a Roman villa to a Victorian-designed tourist attraction in a coastal gorge and the castle Charles I hid out in during the English civil war. Plus the particular geographical experience of being on a tiny island so close to a much bigger island. Your kind of place I reckon 😊

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You’re right Vicki- My kind of place. 🥰

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