I am loving the ‘musturbation’

I wonder if it’s the times we live in that make our lives so frantic and the constant pinging of phones. I hope you get some head space Vicky

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Ah thanks! Yeah technology definitely doesn’t help with the constant bids for attention from all the different apps, emails, websites and on and on (even though I’m ruthless about turning off as many notifications as I can - but you still just know it’s there waiting for you..!) Think I need to try and get back to my regular yoga practice, have let that slide too much lately but that does help (if I can just get the kids to tidy the bloody toys away so I’ve got some space to do it 🤣)

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Really enjoyed this post Vicki and it's so relatable. Craving that time to rest, but then not being able to rest, or just something feeling amiss when we try to rest. Like you say, it's hard to let go of the noisy thoughts too. Hope you enjoyed Queenie, I feel like I need to read the book again now. I love the character of Queenie's best friend, Kyazike in the episodes, so funny. I also get you when you say how hard it is re-explaining the same issues over and over too, that is very draining. I'm so impressed by your summer planning - I'm also trying to make plans to get ahead of myself, but then getting overwhelmed from the plans!! A big change for you with your youngest starting school, oh yes I can totally relate to that school and nursery drop off, nursery pick up then school pick up, it literally feels like you are constantly at the school doesn't it. By the time you get home, it's almost time to go back out again! x

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Don’t be too impressed. I’m much better at making plans than I am at actually doing them (or at least, I do usually get the things done eventually but more often than not weeks later - even when I try to build in extra time everything just seems to take longer than I expect 😱😁)

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BLOCKS! What a beautiful little movie! Thank you for sharing that I enjoyed watching it. As I'm reading your post it makes me feel better about where I am mentally as a mom and as a creator. My mind rarely has time to "rest" anymore and even when I'm resting the urge to clean or be productive in some way is overwhelming. So truly feelings rest is a whole other thing. Don't even get me started on vacationing with littles....which is never a true vacation. I wouldn't change it for the world but also a block hut doesn't sound like a bad idea every once in a while LOL.

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It’s such a great film isn’t it, the tone is so perfectly judged. Glad you enjoyed it. Think I might stick it up on Notes again just to try and give it even more love. And yep, the overwhelm is *real*!!

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Thanks so much for including my piece, Vicki. Really appreciate it. And I have to say, I love your planner!

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It’s pretty isn’t it - hopefully I can translate it into some actual actions to make the most of it 🤞🏽

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Rest is soooo important - but finding the time and space for it is as difficult as hunting unicorns!

Loved your post. I'm not a parent, but I can still very much relate to it!

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Hunting unicorns - yes! Best not mention that to my daughter though or she’ll instantly add it to my to do list, mummy, can we go on a unicorn hunt? 🤣

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🤣 I think you’d both be looking for a while, Vicki! 🦄

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