Jun 24Liked by Vicki Lesley

Appreciate the shout out 😌

I hadn’t actually put together that it might be a North American thing, but that would make sense!

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It also sounds much cooler than anything we buttoned up Brits would say 😁

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Hahaha, I need to brush up on my British sayings!

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Trying to think of what our equivalent saying might be. Lurking around the lift..?!

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Well done in attending the protest march. So important!

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Back in the day I was a regular marcher but not been to a big one in London for years. It did feel important. Hopefully there will be some positive changes the other side of the election here 🤞🏽

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Thank you for sharing!

And I'm glad we're not living in the Nigel-verse.

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Not the Muppet Nigel anyway…. with all our general election coverage at the moment it sometimes feels like we’re living in the mental universe (not sure that’s actually a thing?!)) of a certain other Nigel (Farage) 😱😄

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You'd have to come to the U.S. to avoid that Nigel universe (though I cannot guarantee that the alternatives are any better over here).

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Frying pan fire etc!

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Wow, great post - and not just because of the very kind shout-out, for which thank you very much, Vicki!

Gosh, sooooo much going on - I love that you've used the word 'buoyant' - I'm feeling buoyant on your behalf! Lots of irons in the fire, lots of excitement. Glad your son's feeling better - that must have been such a worry.

I'd never heard the term 'desire line' before - that's fascinating! I know something which describes something similar but is named for its shape - and that's 'smile path'. Rather than cutting off a corner, it's a longer meander around something - think fallen tree across very straight path, and the resulting long curve that people then have to take to get around it. As you'll know from my getting-lost-ness I'm really interested in paths and suchlike, so I'm very grateful to you for telling me about desire lines! 😘

Your mention of Pigeon Street has for some reason got me thinking about The Flumps - now that's another lovely theme tune!

Re environmental issues - I heard a piece on the 'Today' programme yesterday morning about crickets falling silent, which really struck a chord with me (pardon the pun) - the person they were interviewing has composed a piece of music incorporating the sounds of crickets and frogs and other creatures in order to highlight the impact on nature of our changing climate.


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Ooh i love the idea of a ‘smile line!’ I shall keep a look out for one now 🩷 And yes, yes to the Flumps! That was one of three I thought of when I commented on SLART’s post - along with Button Moon & Bagpuss (I’ve also thoroughly converted my son to the joys of the Bod theme tune 🤣) Thanks for the cricket & frog music link too, will definitely check that out.

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