
Thanks Jess - really hope you enjoy the film if you do get chance to watch it. Although there’s lots of weighty history & politics in there it’s still pretty fun & playful with loads of old archive clips of 1950s dating movies for teenagers & fab music etc - love to know what you make of it! And yep I’m sure once I’ve found my Substack legs a bit more I could do a reflection piece for you on my many, many, many funding rejections 😁

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What a wonderful piece and I’m very honoured you’ve enjoyed my ‘you didn’t win this award’ series so far there will inevitably be more, if you ever feel like sharing a story there, you’re more than welcome! I love documentaries and am endlessly frustrated with reading about great ones and then finding there’s nowhere to watch them here. So glad yours is on Netflix I shall definitely add it to my watch list!

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