Ah yes, the 'small, ordinary moments' - those are always the ones I look back on with most fondness! I'm soooo behind on my Substack reading, and this post was a joy to find.

Your workbook is fabulous - what a delightful gesture, Vicki! Thank you so much for the gift of the download! 😘

I forget so many places I've been to. I can remember all sorts of things; things which others don't - but as for places I've been? Well, I get them mixed up all the time - or forget them entirely. I think it's related to my getting-lost-ness!

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Thanks for sharing your memory catcher! I’ve most certainly forgotten things/places (or at least go through years without thinking of particular things). I know this because not infrequently I read an old journal and it’s new to me again.

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Oooh good luck with the funnel - part of my day job is setting up email funnels for people and making sure all the tech works because it can be such a pain in the arse! πŸ˜‚ and so because I’m nosey as - which email marketing platform are you using?

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Glad you're having a good end to the summer, Vicki, and good luck with the start/re-start of school. What a milestone. I've downloaded the summer keepsake, thank you, and will take a look later. Currently hosting the family (all of them!), so a chaotic and joyous summer weekend before the children/grandchildren head off again.

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Oh lovely! Have a fabulous time with the family - the chaos is all part of the fun eh 😁

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Ah I loved reading this and realising that we are at a very similar threshold with our girls off to school, sending love to you all, I hope it is a smooth transition. I love your summer keepsake document, a beautiful way of collecting the memories of summer. Thank you too for featuring my summer stories post, I’m so glad I sat down to write it as I am certain there are things there that I would have most definitely forgotten all about! xx

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Ah I’m so glad you like it! And I was thrilled when I found your piece that had so much resonance with it. Like you say, things are so easily forgotten if we don’t stop to actively remember them. I felt a little nervous putting it out there actually as it’s moving into very different territory to work I’ve done before with film & TV. But I do feel like I’m just in this beautiful time & space for experimentation & play, especially with the first day of school around the corner. It’s such an exciting time for our little ladies - we’ll have to check back in with each other to see how they’re both getting on once we’re a little way into term eh 😊

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Yes most definitely, sending love for this big transitional time xx

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